Proven and Easy Ways to get Your Kids to Wear a Mask When Traveling

by kelli

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Wearing masks is public is now pretty standard most places in the world.

As travel is opening slowly back up, masks are a necessary part of traveling.

It’s a rule for most, if not all, airlines. Travelers must wear a mask when flying for the foreseeable future and many public places (those that are open) are asking people to wear masks. But it’s so hard to get your kids to wear a mask when traveling!

How to Get Your Kids to Wear a Mask When Traveling - - Travel is starting to open up but most places still require you to wear a mask, especially airplanes. But it can be so hard to get your kids to wear a mask when traveling or flying. Learn about what age is safe to wear a mask, safety precautions to take for kids, and how to keep them from ripping their masks off! #newnormal #quarantinetravel #familytravel #travelwithkids #travelwithatoddler #kidsmasks #maskhacks

Those that don’t wear masks could get fined, or even not allowed to enter public places or fly on that airline again.

But also you should wear a mask as a sense of duty to help out our world community (check out my opinion about traveling as an avid traveler and nurse).

Ok. So you’ll wear a mask….but what about making your kids wear a mask while flying? How on earth are you going to keep your children in a mask on the plane??

The first time I put a mask on Link he ripped it off lightning fast and looked incredibly offended that I would ever do such a thing to him!

Now I can get him to wear his mask (for periods of time) and he even gets excited to put it on!

Would we make it a whole flight with his toddler mask? Heck no. But we could definitely get through the crowded areas of the airport (which is more than I can say for a lot of adults right now…).

Here’s the least painful and stress-less ways get your kids to wear a mask on an airplane.

Is it safe for kids to wear a mask?

link in mask
Link likes the dinosaur mask (and Superman…weird he’s one of the few superheroes with no mask!)

You hear crazy health “facts” all the time nowadays!

While still so much is unknown about how this virus is spread, as a nurse I know that masks help reduce how much it is spread between people. It protects you but also the people around you.

But masks are so hard for kids!

They don’t like them because they are uncomfortable and hide people’s faces. Kids rely on faces to connect with others and feel safe, it’s scary for them when they can’t see people’s faces!

I realized this on a grocery trip when Link, who usually says “Hi” to every person he sees was being totally silent. People would wave or say hi to him…and he just stared blankly at them. No response.

Then one woman noticed his vacant stare when she waved, so she took off her mask to wave again. He instantly lit up, waving and saying “Hiiiii!”.

It’s hard for them socially, but is it unsafe for them?

Actually, it can be unsafe to wear one. OR unsafe to not wear them depending on the age and health of your kids.

It’s especially important to avoid masks on sleeping children or very littles because the straps could be a strangulation risk.

This is all assuming that you have healthy children. If you have children with low immune systems or serious medical conditions, a simple mask might not be enough protection for them in a busy airport. Talk to your pediatrician but it probably isn’t save for you to travel at all with them right now.

When planning a trip, bring a little first aid kit. Here’s an easy DIY one you can make!

What age should kids wear a mask?

Link in his mask he painted himself (there’s a pic of him making it below!)

While this can depend on your child and how much they understand, most of the reliable medical advice says you can start trying after age 2.

After age 2, it is really important for kids to wear a mask in public.

For kids under 2, it’s probably not safe for them to wear a mask. They can’t communicate if they are having a hard time breathing, a lot of their face gets blocked from your watchful eye, and they can’t remove it themselves.

Notice I said you should start TRYING after age 2. Because I have a 2 year old and I’m a nurse and I don’t always put a mask on him. The struggle is real.

They touch the outside surface too much which puts potential germs on their hands and spreads to other parts of their face. This means it actually might INCREASE their chance of getting sick.

If Link is getting fidgety with his mask, I usually just take it off, wash his hands and try again later.

Should I make my kids wear a mask when flying or traveling?

dad and baby with mask for flying during covid
I made him wear a mask through security but he wanted it OFF as soon as we were alone!

Yes. And no.

A big thing that parents should take into consideration when trying to get their kids to wear a mask when traveling is: the age of your child and what you are doing.

Very young children (under 2) are not usually required to, or should, wear a mask.

Some activities and type of travel don’t really require anyone to wear a mask.

These isolated activities are like hiking, road trips, boating and other isolated activities that don’t put you into contact with lots of different people.

Airports, airlines, trains, museums, restaurants, and other public places will likely require you to wear a mask or refuse services.

With older kids it’s simply a matter of knowing when to tell them to put on a mask, but with the littles you might be wondering if the fight is worth it.

With Link (2 years old) I have found a compromise. Luckily most places are requiring kids 4-5 and older to wear masks so he doesn’t technically have to wear one, but we try.

I usually will make him wear a mask through security then again as we wait in line and load the plane, but worry less about the in-betweens when we are more isolated.

But what if your kids are in that really hard age where they are old enough to need a mask but young enough for it be a struggle?

First of all, good on you for even trying to get out of the house in these crazy times with littles.

You already had to find and wrestle shoes on them. Now you have to do masks too?!

Start with practice. Let them see you in a mask and know it’s ok. Then have them try it on for longer and longer periods of time. Just keep reminding and practicing. Keep it fun!

I have a whole list of ideas to keep it fun and encourage your kids to wear a mask when traveling!

How to get little kids to wear a mask while traveling:

link decorating a mask
He LOVES this mask now…even he looks like he has a Joker smile with it on!

Traveling already takes kids out of their comfort zones making wearing a mask when traveling needs to turn into a game!

Try these things to help your kids keep on their mask:

  • Let them see you in it! If mom and dad (and older siblings) are wearing a mask it must be ok! Plus, little kids always want to be like the people they look up to.
  • Wear masks together in front of a mirror so they can see what they look like. Put it on and off in front of the mirror.
  • Put a mask on a doll or stuffed animal to play with.
  • Have them decorate their own mask! Stickers, markers, glitter!!
  • Look at videos and pictures of other kids wearing masks.
  • Point out people and kids wearing masks in public to make it feel more normal.
  • Start them by wearing it at home so they get used it to before they are out in public where touching it can spread germs.
  • Draw masks on their favorite characters on coloring pages.
  • Point out superheroes they like that wear masks. (Link particularly likes PJ Masks and thinks he’s Catboy in his mask!)
  • Let them pick out their own masks.
  • Choose masks they will love. (One of Link’s has superheroes, the other dinosaurs)
  • Praise them when they wear a mask.
  • Positively reinforce when they keep the mask on (small treats, show time, play time, etc.)

Be patient and take it a step at a time! Celebrate the little steps and just try your best!

mask with drawing
He’s very proud of his contributions to this cheap surgical mask.

As thing start to open up more traveling is opening up too! I talked a lot about the ways that this is happening earlier in 5 Ways COVID is Changing Travel (The Good, the Bad and the Awesome).

 But masks aren’t going away anytime soon and are a big part of safe travel. So the whole family needs to get on board.

What has been your biggest challenges getting your kids to wear a mask when traveling (or anywhere!)?

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