
Uncovering 5 Lying Myths about Flying in the Age of COVID-19

by kelli
man and son flying during covid

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Oh my goodness I’ve heard some crazy stuff about flying during COVID! New rules and regulations, sure. But horror stories about how horrible it is??

Is it really that bad? No.

I was so curious, I started to research what flying is like with COVID right now.

And I don’t mean “Facebook research”. I mean validated and peer reviewed research studies and articles written by people with credentials (hey the nurse in me couldn’t help but do it right!).

Then were at the airport for a short flight just a few weeks ago.

And guess what? It was as normal as anything is life with COVID could be right now!

Most people are totally thinking about flying during COVID wrong and these are the top myths that I want to set straight. (And yes of course I linked all the studies and articles!)

What's it really like to fly during the COVID pandemic? - TripFixers.com -  Uncovering myths about flights and safety in the age of COVID - 19. The coronavirus makes traveling hard but there might be more to it than you think. Supported by included research data. #coronavirustravel #covidtravel #flights #wanderlust

Myth #1: Flying increases your chances of getting sick

Many people are afraid that airplanes and airports are “super-spreaders” of disease.

But that’s not really true.

Yes, airports bring lots of people from lots of different places together. Including the people that carry disease from one country to another. Yes, planes often squish you between two complete strangers (awkward enough when we’re not terrified of “stranger germs”!).

BUT “Billions of people travel by plane every year, yet there have only been a handful of documented disease outbreaks attributable to airplanes in the past 40 years. If planes made you sick, we would expect to see millions of people sick every year attributable to flights. We haven’t seen it because it’s just not happening.” (Read the whole article here.)

Wait what?!

As long as the airport and you are following some simple precautions you risk is relatively low.

Which brings me to…

Myth #2: Wearing a mask doesn’t really make a difference

I know. I know. Ugh! Kelli! I’ve heard this a MILLION times already! I’m so sick of the mask thing!

Well that’s because masks are really that important. Plus I’m also a nurse, so I can’t not bring this up.

So, buckle up buttercup.

Washing hands, social distancing and wearing a mask are the MOST important things that you can do to avoid getting sick from COVID while traveling. This is a MUST for flying during COVID.

Wearing a mask, as some airlines now require, reduced the incidence of infection another 10-fold.” (full article here.)

You can read the entire study of virus transmission on airplanes here.

But you shouldn’t just wear the mask grudgingly. Embrace it!

Studies show that people that wear masks in public CONSISTENTLY are the ones that had lower rates of infection. Not the people just sometimes wearing them.

When you’re the kind of person that wears a mask, there’s some hidden benefits. Not only do you have the protection of the mask. Your behavior also changes to do other things that will prevent you from getting sick, like being more likely to social distance. (Read that study here.)

Finally, they’re required. Nowadays both airports and airlines are requiring them to be worn by all passengers (other than toddlers and babies). I’m really happy to say that our experience flying recently has been so positive with people keeping their masks on the whole time!

dad and baby with mask for flying during covid
Matt and Link getting ready to board our flight.

Myth #3: Flights are super expensive right now with COVID

In the past, airlines have relied on business travelers paying ultra-high prices (thank you company card) to make it to their last-minute meetings. And now business travel is pretty nonexistent (gotta love those Zoom calls…).

Even with less flights and business travelers kaput, last minute deals to fly during COVID are cheaper than ever! You can even use websites and apps like Hitlist.

to make finding last minute deals even easier if you just need to get away. Or sites like Momondo.com to look at deals to specific locations.

Flights months further out can also be found for SHOCKINGLY good deals!

I can’t believe all the deals I have been sent and seen trying to get people to pre-book vacations for 2021!! Flights and hotels are super cheap right now guys!

I have a friend who just booked a week vacation at a 5 star resort in Cancun for less than $200!

The best and easiest way to make sure you’re getting a good deal on flights is to sign up for a flight finder website (these are the best 4 free ones to check out). You literally get up to 90% of flights and it’s how we go to Europe so often and never pay more than $400ish.

My all-time favorite one to recommend is Scott’s Cheap Flights, they do all the searching for you and send you an email when they find a good deal. Use this link to get 10% off premium (less than $50/year and will literally save you $100’s PER FLIGHT).

Myth #4: You’re definitely not going to get sick on a plane

tsa social distancing sign for flying during covid
covid screening at airport
TSA agent separating people into socially distanced groups.

This is basically the opposite belief of #1, but I’ve heard people say both! Also, I don’t want to mislead you in thinking that there’s no risk of COVID in airports or flying.

Both airports and airlines are going all out to do what they can to reduce the spread and to make flying during COVID safer.

Airports are putting in check points, increasing cleaning, requiring masks and social distancing, and tracking any employees that test positive for COVID.

They even are letting you break the good ol’ liquids rule and bring up to 12 oz of liquid hand sanitizer!

(Read about what TSA has changed.)

Airlines are also increasing cleaning, wiping down seats, checking your temperature before you board, blocking seats, offering more direct flights, and limiting in-flight services. Along with many other things! Read more here.

Did you know that airplanes even have special HEPA air filtering on board? This is the same air filtration that we use in hospitals to help prevent the spread of disease!

In fact, this studyshow[s] that the cabin/cockpit air quality is similar or better than what is observed in normal indoor environments (offices, schools… or dwellings)”.

But even while they do all these things and you are extra careful about washing your hands and wearing a mask, you still could get sick!

No public place is going to be 100% safe right now.

So you have to make the choice that is best for you and your family.

Ask yourself:

Ask yourself:

  • Do I (or anyone in my family) have any medical conditions that put me at a higher risk of getting sick?
  • Will I have a hard time following all the rules about staying six feet away from strangers and wearing a mask?
  • Have I felt sick recently?

Myth #5: If your flight gets cancelled, you don’t get any money back

One of the biggest impacts that COVID has had on airlines is making flight changes easier (and cheaper to make).

Before, if you bought the cheapest ticket and had to change it. You lost all the money and had to rebook at whatever the current price was. Or pay ENORMOUS change fees. (And usually customer service was not too helpful either… *ugh*)

Nowadays, airlines have had to become more flexible as people demand it.

For exchanges:

Most airlines are offering free exchanges for flights you decide to change for a future flight. You just would pay the difference if the new flight is more.

Check with your airline for the fine print before you book. Be sure to ask:

  • When is the latest I can exchange this flight?
  • Will any fees be involved (always be sure to double check!)?
  • When is the earliest/latest I am allowed to book my next flight for? (Does it have to be within a calendar year of when I booked the first flight or when I was supposed to fly out?)
  • What if I need to cancel the new flight? Do the exchange dates get extended?
  • Do the exact same passengers need to use the same flights?
  • Do I need to use ALL the credit in one flight? Or can I split it up for multiple flights?

For cancellations:

There’s a really big difference if YOU decide to cancel your flight (in which case you might not get anything refunded depending on the ticket you bought) or if the AIRLINE cancels your flight.

If your airline cancels your flight OR changes it significantly (usually this means things like adding/removing layovers ot changing departure by more than a few hours) you are entitled to a refund.

Notice I said refund. NOT a flight voucher. They change it, they need to pay you back with the same payment you booked it with.

If they give you a hard time, I highly recommend reaching out to your credit card company and disputing it. This is one the hacks to get your money back I recommend if corona virus made you cancel your trip. (Read the other insanely helpful ways to get money back on your cancelled trip here).

Really important side note: with borders shutting down all over due to COVID. You might not be allowed in many places, but you probably can still book a ticket there. This does NOT mean you will actually be allowed to enter the country! And if you get banned from a country, it doesn’t mean you automatically get your tickets refunded. (I know major bummer!) Unless that flight gets cancelled altogether, you’ll most likely have to get a voucher and exchange it.

Here’s a list of countries US citizens are and are not allowed right now. (Head’s up, we’re not allowed many places. This list almost made me cry!)

Although I hope uncovering some of these myths about flying during COVID makes you more comfortable with the idea of flying in the near future, don’t forget it’s still up to you!

Vacations should be fun! There’s already enough stress in planning a normal trip to make sure things go smoothly. Add to that the fear of a COVID pandemic and it might be just too much for you!!

If that’s the case, look at taking advantage of the deals right now by booking refundable/exchangeable flights for next year. Things will have settled a little more by then and safety practices will be more in place. (Sign up for Scott’s Cheap Flights to keep an eye on this, it is life-changing in how it allows normal people to afford to travel. Get the free service or 10% off premium service with this link)

(In the meantime, download a no-sweat and completely awesome “staycation” itinerary to Hawaii, Paris and New York. Yes it’s both for kids and the kid-at-heart!)

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