Why You Should Only Use a Carry-on When Flying

by kelli

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Using only a carry-on is one of my favorite ways to travel because it makes you so independent! I do it all the time, even on 10+ day international trips. It’s shifting your thinking if you’re a person who is used to bringing everything “just in case”. But when you only bring a carry-on you will find the benefits greatly outweigh the discomfort of not having it all. You may not bring everything you want, but you can bring everything you need.

Why you should only use a carry-on when flying. Pack less to open yourself up to more adventures! - Tripfixers.com

It saves you money.

Carry-on luggage is free on most airlines (the major exception to this is the budget airlines like Spirit and Frontier). Checked bags are also getting more and more expensive on every airline. Since you have to pay per way, this can easily start adding up to $100’s.

Using only a carry-on also means that your bags are not going to get lost. Extra travel costs also add up when you have to rebuy part or all of your items at your destination because of lost luggage.

It saves you time.

No waiting in a line to check your bag at the desk when you arrive at the airport. And no waiting at the baggage carousel after you land. Just hop off the plane and start going to your next destination. This is key with tight connections! There are times we got on trains and other flights we would have missed if we waited for bags. And we would have waited hours longer for the next one.

When traveling internationally, this is priceless because of customs. Some airports have baggage claim before customs and it holds many people up. The line to get through can be very long and slow, but if you are there early you usually walk right through.

Each day it saves you time also. When you have less choices in clothes, you just get dressed and go! You can still look great by following a color scheme and accessorizing (see tip 5 in 16 Tips to Pack Everything You Need in a Carry-On).

When you pack to move destinations or leave, you also save time in only bringing a carry-on by having less to pack. You won’t have to look all over your room to retrieve your items. Just pack in the one bag and you’re done!

It simplifies traveling.

Your packing list is easy to make, because you only pack the essentials.

Getting on and off the plane is incredibly easy, because you grab your bag from the overhead bin and go! No stress about where your bags are, how to get them and how to carry them all around.

You won’t have to lug around extra bags (nothing screams tourist more than this…other than a fanny-pack). I have stayed down cobblestone streets, taken crowded public transit, and trekked up tight, winding staircases. In these moments (sometimes hours), I am so grateful to not be pulling a suitcase with me.

family at airport only with carry-ons

Notice (in this very old picture) how little we brought to the airport compared to all the luggage on the cart of the family behind us!

Using only a carry-on also means that you always have everything with you. It is always on your flight in the case of flight cancellations, delays, and plane switches. This means that you always have what you need and can be flexible in these moments.

It also means that you can run to gate if you need to! Tight connections and big airports sometimes mean that you have to run to catch your flight. That is near impossible with big luggage in tow and lines to check it in.

It keeps everything tidy at your destination. This is especially true in small spaces, like major cities or in Europe. There will not be big bags strewn about the room, overflowing with clothes. This can be hard and annoying to manage, so cut it back by only having a carry-on.

It keeps everything safer.

As obvious as it sounds, when you keep everything near you, you know where it is. You can keep better track of all your things because there are less to keep track of. This means that you are less likely to lose items or leave them behind. It is also easier to keep less items safe in areas where pickpockets and theft are issues.

During the flight items are also safer because they won’t be thrown around by baggage handlers loading the plane. This is especially important to me when I pack fragile things I want to protect. For example, chocolates from Paris or a carving from Mexico.

It opens up opportunities.

This is my favorite reason for packing in only a carry-on. It makes traveling much more flexible for you. When an opportunity arises, you can just take it and not worry about your stuff. To me it would be sad to miss out on cool things because of my stuff.

For example, once in Puerto Vallarta Mexico we had GORGEOUS mountain-side villa we had booked that we decided to hike up to. It was cobblestone streets and thick jungle on either side and was a great adventure! There is no way we would have made it dragging lots of bags along. Instead, we would have taken a taxi and missed the lizards and tropical birds we saw. Missed the small bakery where we found colorful conchas (Mexican sweet bread with strudel on top that looks like a shell). And missed the breath-taking view of the ocean and beach below slowly unfold.

There are other times we plan things to do or see on the way to our hotel or after checking out. While most hotels will have a room where you can store bags before check-in or after check-out, you have to get there to drop them off or come back for them later. If you eliminate that, you can adventure as you go! Maybe see a new place that’s on the way that otherwise would not fit into your schedule. Or plan a last-minute activity on the way to the airport.

Finally, packing everything in a carry-on opens up opportunities for bumping for a flight. Yes, I’m a little obsessed with bump flights because we have made so much money from them! (Read more about Making Money Traveling). Without them we would go on much less trips. We never worry about not having luggage when bumping because it is always with us.

Why you should only use a carry-on when flying. Pack less to open yourself up to more adventures! - Tripfixers.com

Packing everything into a carry-on is a shift in thinking. It took me time to realize it’s ok to not bring it all. I have found that I can usually get whatever I left behind and need at my destination. Sometimes I have an adventure finding it! The more you cut back what you bring, the freer you will feel. I promise!

Have you ever brought only a carry-on? What went well and what didn’t?

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